Understanding that I am no longer working in the Young Women's program now, though when I do find some great ideas, i want to share....I just found the best links to some really great YMYW activities and I had to share. Guess where I happened on them???? PINTEREST of all places. I hope this helps give you some great ideas!
Iron Chef Competition (Combined activity)
March Maddness (Combined Activity)
Circus Carnival (this one is actually made for a Kids Birthday Party, but could be made for a fun joint activity and the games and things could be made by the kids and played by the kids.
Lots of Activities (This one has lots of ideas of things that can be done. Some of them are for Relief Society but others can be for YMYW)
The Iron Rod (This was done for Relief Society but would be wonderful for YW too!)
Pinterest IDEAS (Lots of great ideas of fun things to do and make for YW right on pinterest!)
http://pinterest.com/kaybanks/lds-young-women/ and yet another YW link here for great ideas found on pinterest: http://pinterest.com/tuckhouse/yw-ideas/
TIPS, IDEAS, HANDOUTS, LESSON HELPS, PRINTABLES, DESIGNS, ETC. ALL MADE TO HELP THE YOUNG WOMEN LEADERS WITH THEIR CALLINGS. For other lds tips, handouts, ideas and other great stuff, you can visit my two other blogs at http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com and http:visitingteachingsurprise.blogspot.com Enjoy! Katie G.
I am just getting going with creating some cute things for this new Young Women blog, so have patience with me, and soon I will have almost as many things for you to enjoy as I do on my other two blogs. Keep checking back as I will post my printables, ideas, lesson helps, etc., as soon as I can get the time to do so. Don't worry, I will be keeping up my other two blogs as well at http://visitingteachingtips.blogspot.com/ and http://visitingteachingsurprise.blogspot.com
I just happened upon your blog and I love these ideas. I'm going to bookmark it! Thanks for all your work!